In 2016, with the decision of YOK, departments and Divisions of the Faculties of Education were reshaped. In this context, the Department of Mathematics and Sciences Education was formed from the Divisions of Mathematics Education and of Science Education, including basic sciences education.
In the division of Science Education, there are 4 professors, 6 associate professors, 5 assistant professors, 1 research assistant doctor and 1 research assistant. The first graduates of the Divisions of Science Education were given in 2013. The department offers undergraduate and graduate education (with and without thesis). Within the context of Erasmus and Farabi mobility, academic staff and student exchange are provided in our department.
In the division of Mathematics Education, there are 2 associate professor, 4 assistant professors, 1 research assistant doctor and 1 research assistant . The first graduates of the Divisions of Mathematics Education were given in 2013. In this divisions, undergraduate education is currently offered. Within the context of Erasmus and Farabi mobility, academic staff and student exchange are provided in our department.